Do you think growing vegetables needs a huge plot of land or an allotment? Think again, because you don’t actually need very much space to grow fantastic vegetables. Using garden planters for your vegetables can be a big advantage, because you can move them inside if a late frost is forecast, move them into the sunshine if you’ve got your placing wrong, and hide them away when they’ve finished and/or you are bored of looking at them!
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Interior Design Big Ideas – why don’t designers use plants and garden planters more?
We were looking at’s 100 Big Ideas issue recently, to see how designers and architects are using garden planters, and particularly metal planters. But to our surprise, none of the top 50 Big Ideas really seem to include plants or planters at all! And that set us wondering why interior designers and architects don’t seem to want to make more use of garden planters in their work. After all, we’ve discussed before that having plants around not only looks good, but can also make us feel good.
And although we really don’t know the answer to the question, we decided to look at some of the ideas, and consider how we would have used our metal planters to enhance them even further.
Choosing the right material for metal planters
We offer a range of materials and finishes for our metal planters.
These include stainless steel, pre-coat steel, powder-coated steel, galvanised steel, and stucco or crimpol (aluzinc). Confused? Read on, and all will become clear…
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Liven up your Living Space and Beyond With Designed Planters
For many of us the garden is an extension of the sitting room (especially if you have large French Windows). Opening up those windows makes our garden and living room blend together, giving us the impression of more space and the garden being part of our home. It’s understandable then that we want to have lovely ‘designer’ elements in there along with the roses, clematis and ferns.
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Using Planters as Interior Design
We’re pretty sure here at Precious Design that we don’t really have to point out the benefits of having living plants in your home. That’s because for years now researchers have been enthusing about how flowers, bushes and miniature trees indoors purify the air we breathe. Just one plant in a room can actually be powerful enough to single-handedly remove the toxins emitted from the likes of paint, furniture and even make-up.
Preparing Your Planters For Growth
Much as we wish they would, beautiful planter displays don’t happen overnight. There’s usually a lot of planning gone into them beforehand such as which flowers or plants would look best in particular locations, how much sunlight they’ll pick up and what type of soil they’ll fare best with etc.
Here we’ll take you through some preliminaries to make sure you get the best from your garden planters purchase at Precious Design.
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